Our latest news and updates from
Freedom Finance.

The True Cost of Weddings

According to a CNN Business article, the average cost of a wedding in 2023 is $29,000 or more, depending on your location.

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Is The Cost of College Worth It?

Tuition, fees, and room and board have increased rapidly. These costs may encourage you to begin thinking about alternatives to college, particularly if you or your family will struggle to come up with the money to pay for college. 

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Are You Underpaid?

You owe it to yourself to be compensated for your time and effort. Asking for a raise can be intimidating, but no one else is going to ask for you.

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Creating Passive Income

Creating a stream of passive income isn’t all rainbows and butterflies. It can be time-consuming and take a lot of work. However, once that initial work is done, it’s gravy. 

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Cancelling Subscriptions

‍It is easy to overlook if you don’t go through your statement with a fine-tooth comb. Sometimes the amount is so minimal that it’s easy to fly under the radar, but all these little charges can add up. If you just can’t resist that free trial, set up a reminder on your phone for when the free period ends, you can decide to renew or cancel at that time and avoid any unwanted charges.

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Are You Cheap or Frugal?

Being frugal isn’t always easy. A lot of thought and time goes into making financially sound decisions. When you are frugal, your main concern is not being wasteful. If you're cheap, your only focus is on the price tag.

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Credit Mistakes You're Likely Making

Lending Tree data shows that credit card holders in RI have the 12th highest credit card balance in the U.S. with an average balance of $6,759.

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Is Traditional Banking Still Relevant?

I can’t remember the last time I walked into a bank or credit union lobby….it’s been years. The advantages of online banking have recently affected the way that many traditional banks do their business. 

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The Benefits of Financial Education

Everyone is different. Your relationship with money depends largely on your upbringing. But with the right work, and time, we can reshape your relationship with money.

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Investing For Your Kids

Financial education is so important and a powerful way to provide your kids with the foundation they need to build long-term wealth.

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Season's Greetings!

Happy Holidays from Freedom Finance!

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What are Index Funds?

Index funds are increasingly popular with investors, especially those just starting out. Investing in an index fund is an indirect way to buy into the whole market. 

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It's Beginning To Look a Lot Like Debt

There are plenty of ways to celebrate with friends and family without putting yourself into more debt.

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Debt Consolidation: Is It Worth It?

Debt consolidation is usually a good idea for borrowers who have several high-interest loans. Whether it be credit cards, student loans, or personal loans. However, it may only be feasible if your credit score is decent.

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Baby It's Cold Outside, and Utilities are On the Rise!

This winter many families will have a major strain on their household budget: soaring utility bills. A dramatic rise in energy prices in the U.S. is causing utility bills to soar, with many left wondering, what is driving the rise and how long will this last? The federal government expects the price of electricity will continue to rise into 2023. The rising utility bills are being driven by the surge in the price of natural gas, which generates about 40% of the United States' electricity.

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Investing: How to prepare

Each of us has a different vision of how we want to live our lives. Some people may envision spending more time with family and friends. For others, traveling the world and experiencing new adventures may be their ideal future.

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Emily Finds a Dollar: A New Children's Book!

little girl discovers the importance of saving her money rather than spending it as soon as possible.

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Money Management Tips for Single Parents

Remember, being a single parent is twice the work, twice the stress, and twice the tears. But also, twice the hugs, twice the love and twice the pride. 

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Are Attractive People Better Off in Life?

You probably think this blog is about you...

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Can Eating Healthy and Exercising Save You Money?

Most people seem to assume that eating healthy is an expensive choice. That is just not true.

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How to finally quit overspending

While every individual's spending habits are unique to his or her circumstances, a few common issues tend to be responsible for overspending.

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How to Spot and Avoid Financial Scams

There are many ways scammers can target you, especially online. Romance, Phishing, Online Shopping, Crypto and Social Engineering Attacks are some common ways you can get scammed. Not only can they affect you financially, but they can also create emotional and mental stress in your life.

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10 Ways to Save Money Today

We all want to save money, at least that is what I’m told. So why is it so difficult for some?

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To Buy or Lease a Car

If you are the type of person who wants to be in total control of your assets and finances, then buying is best for you. Owning your own vehicle does come with a sense of pride. For me, personally, I prefer to buy and own my assets outright. It’s a great feeling to have.

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Tax Season: What You Need to Know

While you’re taking some time to prepare for the tax season, you might also want to give your financials a closer look. If your financial health is in good shape, congratulations! If you need help with your finances but aren't sure where to start, contact Freedom Finance today for a free consultation.

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Should I Pay Off Debt?

Should you pay down your debt, save, or both. There are several personal finance experts who think it is a bad idea to save while still drowning in debt. I do not necessarily agree with them.

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Keeping Up With The Joneses

We have all heard this saying at least once or twice. But what does it mean?

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Is It Too Late to Save For Retirement

This question comes often, mostly from folks in their 50’s and 60’s. An age where most are starting to think about retirement. The simple answer is it is never too late to save for retirement.

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How to Talk to Kids About Money

Talking to your kids about money is the best gift you can give them. Knowledge is power. We live in a tech world with so much information at our fingertips. Our kids are on all sorts of devices anyways, why not make what they are reading or looking at informational and useful. There are a ton of finance apps out there but first we need to cover the basics.

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Let's Talk About Debt

What does it mean to go into debt? The simple answer is, you borrowed money and now you owe it. There are two types of debt, secured and unsecured. Let me explain the difference between the two. 

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How Clutter Affects Your Finances

I know that feeling of stress I get when I buy something I really needed only to find it already in my house a few weeks later. It’s extremely frustrating. Being well organized and decluttered can save you a lot of money. But what drives us to accumulate so much stuff?

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Saving for College

As well as any money earned from part time jobs. Encourage your children to sacrifice their wants now to succeed later in obtaining their goals. ‍

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